Welcome Back


From a French and Spanish summer, I have come right back into German autumn.

It’s been a few weeks since my last visit, but now I’m back in my cozy and noisy cafè in Potsdam again. Barely anything has changed. The cafè music in the background still lets you daydream to another place and time. Keep reading

Yes, We Called It Our Sans-Souci


It’s the time of the year where people are slowly transitioning from summer excitement to autumn feels. Even though it’s still warm outside and the sun is shining bright, the cozy cafès along the Brandenburger Street are slowly starting to fill up more and more. Keep reading

Love Is in the Air



Right now is the moment where I ask you to think of your favorite love song and to play it! Turn it all the way up! Feel the wave of happiness and romance sweeping you off your feet! ❤ ❤ ❤

October 1st was Darshon’s and my fourth anniversary. Keep reading

Sunshine Blogger Award


The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to “bloggers who are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”.

I could not believe my eyes when I found out that I was nominated by the lovely Fede for the “Sunshine Blogger Award”. Keep reading

From Another World


What’s usually just a huge parking lot, turns into a land of junk and treasures over night! At five a.m., when the lights are out and the streets are empty, this place is thriving of life as the first deals are striken. My dad and I were still unloading the car trying to put our stand together when the first interested customers came Keep reading

How Is That Working Out For You?


Being a lazy bum can be a great thing. You have plenty of extra time that you don’t have to spend in the gym (after all, a good book and some food are fine thing, aren’t they?). Also, you give your mind the chance to wander off, to get lost in deep thought and to be inspired.  Keep reading

Thank You, Potsdam


This comes out of the heart of a girl who is absolutely in love with her hometown. Never before have I been in a town where more joy can be found than here in Potsdam.

It’s the tram driver who blinks his front lights and waves his arms up in the air when he passes one of his other fellow drivers. Your fitness trainer giving you motivation Keep reading

Happiness in a Cone


Life has its defining moments: Graduating, starting our first job, getting our first paycheck, driving for the first time, moving into our first apartment, falling in love (not in that order of course, but)…. All in all, comparing these milestones with a stranger, you will find yourself with definitely more than one in common. What makes each and every single one special though, is the unique story behind them and the path that led you there.  Keep reading